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How To Build A Winning Pitch Deck & Impress Investors | EG

Posted by Early Growth

November 8, 2017    |     3-minute read (643 words)

In this webinar, Sirk Roh, accomplished Early Growth Financial Services consulting CFO, shows us “How to Build a Winning Pitch Deck” that will help you stand out from the crowd, inspire investor confidence and get you funded. Using examples from successful pitch decks, Sirk shows you what works and why.

Keep it Simple

Your Pitch Deck should be simple. It should start the conversation and allow your potential investors to ask questions and gain interest. One easy way to achieve this is to follow Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 Rule for Pitch Decks:

  • 10 Slides
  • 20 Minutes
  • 30 Point Font
Many companies feel challenged by sticking to these rules. Afterall, there is so much to share about your ideas and what you plan to do. In this webinar, Sirk explains in detail how to stick to these rules and why doing so is important. EGFS gives 12 examples of important slides to include, but how many slides you use will depend on your company. The main takeaway is to keep it between 10-15 slides, and to make sure you can do your presentation in 20 minutes. To paraphrase Guy Kawasaki, most meetings will be scheduled for an hour, but unforeseen circumstances could shorten that time, or you could want more time for discussion after the actual presentation concludes.

Below is an outline of EGFS’s recommended 12 Pitch Deck slides. Watch the video of Sirk’s webinar for more clarity on what each slide should contain.

Pitch Deck Outline / Webinar Timeline

[8:17] Slide 1: Title

  • Name and Contact Info
  • Logo/Tagline/Elevator Pitch
[9:58] Slide 2: Problem and Opportunity

  • What problem is your company trying to solve?
[12:16] Slide 3: Value Proposition

  • How is your company going to solve the problem?
[15:08] Slide 4: Underlying Magic

  • Product/Service/Technology
  • How will customers use your service?
[19:20] Slide 5: Business Model

  • How will your business make money?
[24:56] Slide 6: Market Opportunity

  • TAM: Total Available Market
  • SAM: Serviceable Addressable Market
  • SOM: Serviceable Obtainable Market
[30:20] Slide 7: Go To Market Plan

  • How will you acquire customers?
[33:08] Slide 8: Competive Analysis

  • Where do you exist in the marketspace?
[41:31] Slide 9: Management Team

  • Why is your team the right team?
[45:31] Slide 10: Financial Projections

  • Three Year Forecast & Key Metrics
[48:35] Slide 11: Current Status & Timeline

  • What are your accomplishments to date?
[50:12] Slide 12: Investment Ask

  • Size of Round
  • Terms of Round
  • What you’ve raised so far
  • Milestone spending

In Conclusion:

This outline shares the basics that EGFS believes are important to include in your Pitch Deck. In this webinar, you’ll be able to view actual examples of successful pitch decks which will help you even more in creating your own.

Sirk also gives extra tips like how to choose who presents your deck and how to approach the fundraising period as a team. If this is where you are at in your startup journey, be sure to tune in. You can reach out to EGFS with questions by emailing

Follow us on Twitter: @earlygrowthfs.

For this webinar and more, check out our YouTube channel.

About Sirk Roh:

Sirk Roh brings 25 years of experience to his role as a consulting CFO at EGFS. Sirk is an accomplished finance executive focused on leading early-stage companies through strategic financial decisions. His areas of expertise include debt and equity financings, planning/budgeting, financial analysis, cash flow management, high growth management, and cost reductions/right-sizing, when needed.

About EGFS:

EGFS supports 18% of the privately funded VC companies in the U.S., providing accounting, CFO, tax, and valuation services. Contact us for more information about our services.

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